About Our Ministries
Our services are recorded and posted on our Facebook page weekly for those who may not be able to attend in person. We offer blended worship, respecting the depth found in traditional hymns while offering the passion found in contemporary worship songs. On the third Sunday of every month, we celebrate communion together. Please join us at 9 am for Sunday School and 10 am for Worship.
We offer Financial Peace University once a year. The series is 9 weeks long. Costs for the class and workbook are $110. You can register online here.
As the church grows, the Leadership will explore ministries that best reflect who we are and what we want to be in West Union. We will stay true to our Mission and Vision for Faith Bible Fellowship as we expand our ministries.
Our high school group (9-12 grades) meets Sunday nights in the upper level of the church building for an hour and a half. Activities include: games, worship, and a short message. This group also coordinates and carries out community outreach projects throughout the year.
Youth in grades 5-8 are invited to meet Wednesday nights, from 6:30-8:00 pm in the upper level at the church. Activities include: games, worship, and Bible study.
We offer the second floor to parents who may have a young one who doesn’t want to sit still at the moment. Our informal setting in the church allows parents easy access to slip out of the sanctuary with their child if needed.
Children’s church can be made available if the need or desire arises.
First Saturday of the month there is a men’s group that meets at the church at 8:00 am.
Tuesday evenings at 7:30 there is a Bible study held at the Denney residence, open for all to attend.
Wednesday morning at 10:00 women gather in the church building for a weekly Bible study.
Wednesday night at 7:00 a community men’s prayer meeting is held in the church building. A group of like minded men from around the community join together to pray.
Thursday nights at 7 pm is our “City on a Hill” prayer meeting at the church. We lift up our nation, our community, and Faith Bible Fellowship. We are continuously reminded that God has called Faith Bible to West Union for a reason. Join us in our new building, as we pray for revival in our Nation, our community, and our lives.
Beginning at 9 am we offer the following:
An adult class in the main sanctuary. This class provides instruction and insight straight from God’s Word.
In the west wing we offer a class for young adults and married couples. There is a variety of teachings from discipleship to marriage to parenting.
We also offer 3 different classes for our children: pre-K-1st (East wing), 2nd-5th (East wing), and Middle School (2nd floor).
Our nursery is available at this time. For parents with active children, we have a play area in the back of the Sanctuary. As the church continues to grow, additional classes may be offered for the youth and adults.
Check this page for upcoming dates and times for our future VBS program. This VBS is free to all children from Kindergarten to 6th grade.